Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Expectations for Special Olympics Volunteers

All student volunteers who signed up for the morning or all-day shifts should arrive on campus by 7:00AM on Sunday, October 18th. Please wear Pingree gear and sturdy footwear! With very few exceptions, this is a Rain or Shine type of event. Please come dressed for the weather! 

Our expectations of Pingree volunteers:

1. Experience instead of document - please separate yourself from your phone/camera. Be fully present!

2. Engage with our guests. Introduce yourself, ask how you can assist people, get to know your team and that team's fans.

3. Look for opportunities to serve instead of waiting to be asked.

4. Encourage and celebrate!

5. Be conscious of what you are learning while engaging in this activity. See if you can bring some of those lessons back to your family, friends, classes and extracurricular activities.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Backpacks and School supplies still needed!

Thank you to everyone who has generously donated to this year's backpack and school supply drive. During their Community Education time on October 20, the sophomore class will be packing these supplies into backpacks and sending them off to students all over the North Shore.

Last year we were able to collect and stock 45 backpacks, and are hoping to do the same. However, although we have reached our goal of supplies (though more are always welcomed), we are still short backpacks... we need 30 more to meet this year's goal.

Please consider picking one up this weekend (high-quality, inexpensive ones are available at Target, CVS, Walgreens, and WalMart) and dropping it off in the donation bin in the Theater Lobby.

Thank you!