Food For Thought

Thank you for checking out the Food For Thought page! This is where I hope to keep a collection of thought-provoking readings (as well as my own thoughts) related to issues of civic engagement, service, and service-learning. I welcome your thoughts, comments and questions!

* In our discussions of service, development, philanthropy, and international aid we often refer to nations other than our own in terms that are at best outdated and, at worst, demeaning. For example, "third world" has largely fallen out of favor as its implications are quite pejorative. But I find myself in the camp of not knowing which term to use instead - developing nations? I've never really loved that one either, mostly because it its sister term is "developed" (which the United States considers itself) and that term seems much too finite to me. Its implication seems to be that we have everything figured out and they need to catch up. So -- in my search to find "the right word" (spoiler - there isn't one!) I stumbled upon this NPR piece that I thought I would share. Happy Reading!

"If You Shouldn't Call it the Third World, What Should You Call it?"

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