Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sophomore Service Opportunities

On January 28th, February 22nd and February 29th groups of sophomores will have the opportunity to prepare, serve and share dinner at the Open Door Food Pantry in Gloucester.

Interested sophomores should visit the following link to sign up:

Also, please look here for a short video about the issue of hunger on the North Shore and the role of the Open Door in alleviating it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Supplies Drive for Northeast Animal Shelter

January 18th to January 29th will be our first supply drive for the Northeast Animal Shelter. Sponsored by Pingree's Animal Rights Club (led by Antonia Martins '18 and Iria Gutierrez-Schieferl '18), the drive seeks to collect much needed supplies for this organization.

The Northeast Animal Shelter is one of New England's largest no-kill shelters. They opened their doors in 1976 and since then have placed over 120,00 dogs. You can learn more about them here:

The Animal Rights Club is collecting the following items, identified by the shelter as their most-needed supplies:

- Paper towels
- Dog and cat toys
- Cloth Towels
- Fleece Blankets
- Trash Bags
- Dog waste bags
- Post-It Notes

Any contribution is much appreciated! Supplies can be donated in boxes (identified by grade) in the Theater lobby. Thank you!