Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sophomore Service Days at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

On May 23rd, 24th and 25th sophomores will have the opportunity to participate in an afternoon of service at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary. In the past our jobs have included laying stones for a walkway, cleaning out an on-site cabin, clearing fields of invasive plant species, painting picnic tables, and catching frogs/toads/snakes for exhibition at the annual Nature Fest. Activity buses will leave at 2:40 and return in time for the buses.

Volunteers should...

- Wear long pants, T-shirts, socks, sneakers/boots, a hat. Shorts, tank tops and sandals are not appropriate for the type of work we will be doing.

- Bring sunblock, bug spray, water bottle and snack

- Be willing to commune with nature and possibly get dirty!

- Leave phones in their locker

Interested students can sign up here. Please enter your full name under the date on which you wish to attend.