Purposeful Giving at Pingree - Application for Funds

Application for Purposeful Giving Funds

Supporting our students as they engage with non-profit organizations outside of Pingree is vitally important. Recognizing that charitable giving is one means of involvement, we have set aside funds (raised at the annual Rummage Sale) for which students may apply.

This form will guide you through the process of writing a letter of application. You may also want to look at the Sample Letter for additional ideas. Please feel free to attach pictures, charts, pamphlets, etc. in support of your application.


  •  Students will submit an application letter at least 2 weeks prior to needing the funds
  • Students will complete and attach a financial assessment form
  • Students will share with the community (in Morning Meeting) how they have used the funding
  • Students must submit documentation from the organization to verify the receipt of the funds
  • Students will be expected to participate in the annual Rummage Sale in order to continue supporting future students

 Guidelines for application

1.     Application should be in letter format, addressed to the Purposeful Giving Committee.


2.     Please tell us a little bit about yourself (name, age, grade, hometown, etc.)

3.     Discuss your personal connection to the organization to which you hope to donate money.


4.     Tell us about the organization. What is its mission? How long has it been in existence? Where does it operate? What kind of work does it do? What programs does it offer to clients, volunteers, etc.? What makes it special or unique?

5.     How does this organization use its funding? Do they support medical research? Do they provide equipment or services to people in need?


6.     How much money are you applying for? (Maximum is $250).

7.     How, specifically, can the organization use this money? (You may need to call or email the organization to answer this question).


8.     In what other ways can you become involved with this organization? (Consider volunteering, attending an event, educating others, etc.)

9.     Is there a service component that could accompany this financial gift? Is there a way that Pingree can get involved in a hands-on way?

10. Is there a learning opportunity? For example, could learning about this organization enhance any of your classes? Is there a way to make connections between your commitment to this organization and your commitment to Pingree?

October 2, 2014

Dear Charitable Giving Committee,

My name is John Smith and I am a sophomore here at Pingree School. At Pingree, I am a member of the JV Soccer team, Varsity Tennis, and I do the musical in the winter. I also participate in the Knee Hockey Club and work as a tour guide. I live in Beverly with my parents and three sisters.

When I was ten, my uncle lost his job and really quickly it became clear that he, my aunt, and my four cousins were having trouble making ends meet. They were able to keep their house, but they had to sell one of their cars, and they stopped buying new clothes for the kids while he was looking for work. I remember my mom talking about how upset my aunt and uncle were about not having enough money to pay all their bills and also make sure that there was enough food in the house. I also remember my parents talking about how grateful everyone was for a place called Family Hearth. I didn’t know what that was at first, but once I learned I knew that it would be a really important place in my life, too.

Family Hearth is a non-profit organization whose mission is: “To alleviate the impact of hunger on families around the North Shore.” They have family suppers offered every night, as well as a food pantry and a community garden. It is based in Gloucester, MA, in a building not far from the ocean. One of the things that makes Family Hearth special is that all of the people who eat dinner there also volunteer as well – so they are not only depending on it for food, but they are also working to make it run smoothly! My aunt said that she felt like a real member of the community because sometimes she was eating dinner and sometimes she was serving it. The organization also has a kids’ “play room” where there are books and educational toys, as well as adult supervisors who can help with homework or just play games while the parents relax and have dinner. It really is like a big family! When I looked at their website, I learned that Family Hearth served 17,309 meals last year!

Family Hearth uses its funding to host family dinners, grow a community garden, stock a food pantry, do nutritional education programs, provide summer lunches to kids, and to pay its employees (some of whom used to be clients!).

Family Hearth is currently having a food drive, so I would like to request $100 to donate for this cause. I checked online and canned soup and vegetables cost an average of $1.89 each. This means that with my donation they can purchase over 50 cans. These cans will be added to their food pantry so that shoppers can choose to take home nutritious non-perishable items.

Along with donating money to Family Hearth, I also volunteer there once a month and I want to host a “story time” one evening in their playroom.  I was also thinking that the cast from the musical this year could visit to serve a meal and also entertain the diners by singing some of the songs from the show.

In Ms. McCoy’s history class this year, we got off topic (again!) and started talking about the issue of hunger around the world. A lot of people in class thought that only really poor people in distant places struggle with hunger – they didn’t realize that hunger happens everywhere and to all different people. I was thinking that it might be really interesting to have someone from Family Hearth come in and talk about the reason people living all over the North Shore sometimes go hungry, and also what we can do to prevent this from happening.

After I make the donation, I will make an announcement at morning meeting and also show a few pictures of me volunteering at a dinner and hopefully hosting a storytime.

Thank you for your consideration,

John Smith

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